Panamint Pre-Run, February 11-13, 2000

The Panamint Valley runs parallel to
and just west of Death Valley
(click on photo for larger version)
(click on map for more detail)

Friday morning we check Pleasant Canyon
behind the ghost town of Ballarat. This was very rough
going. We hope to go up South Park Canyon on the run and
come back down Pleasant Canyon. |

There are many abandoned mines in the
area that are fun to explore. |

There were burros in the area and snow
on top. |

There better not be any of this white
stuff around in April! |

Saturday we did some rock climbing in
Coyote Canyon. |
We looked for Manson's hide-out (no
luck) and went to the top of Mengel Pass to get a view of
Death Valley. |

This is some of the rock climbing
necessary to get into the canyon. |

Sunday we took a pleasant drive to the
mining town of Darwin. |
The trip through Darwin Canyon is easy
and beautiful. |

The Panamint Springs Camground and
Resort is where we will be staying. |
Last updated Sun Feb 27 13:00 PST 2000