Camping Trip Essentials

This list of items is intended to help prepare the happy Manx camper for a trip into the boonies. Many of the items included on the list are for an over-night (or several day) trip. You don't need to carry all this gear yourself (it won't fit in your car)...split the burden with your camping buddies! The value of these items is directly proportional to the distance that you might have to travel (or walk) to obtain them. It should be noted that on a hot day in the desert a 5 mile hike may be the same as a death sentence so be sure to follow the desert safety rules:

  1. Always travel with more than one vehicle.
  2. Always carry plenty of drinking water (1 gallon per day per person).
  3. Never leave your vehicle and walk across the desert for help.
  4. Always tell someone where you are going.


Camping Gear

Auto Supplies

